New Year: New You: New Desk

Every year we try and do something new. We clean our rooms/house, get new hair cuts, try new clothes and all the like. But what most of us probably don’t do is give ourselves a whole new work place.

I’m talking about your table guys. You know, that place where you sit and spend most of your days. The place that becomes your dumping ground, your best friend and nightmare all in one day. Where you lose important paperwork and get distracted from your actual work.

Well guys, this year should be different and it is going to be different. This year I urge you to take a moment and change things up. Get a new table, buy some cool stationary (no you can never have to much stationary) and get rid of that stuff you’re to scared to get rid of. Just do it.

I found this link from a stationary making company called NoteMaker, some of you might know about them, they have gorgeous things we all wish we could have. Well here is one thing that they have which we can all have – advice.

Here is there link to: FRESH START: 7 Steps to a total desk make over.

Click on it and read it and then guys, do it. You don’t have to do all of it, just maybe a step or two and it will make everything better. Trust me, I tried it out for you all. Here is how I cleaned and reorganized my own table:

Step 1: I cleaned out the paper, and got rid of a lot of stuff I didn’t need anymore.

Step 2: Then I filled everything away in my pink desks on my table or under my table.

Step 3: I didn’t need to add more storage, because I have no more room and because I don’t need to either.

Step 4: Added a handy pen and tiny thing holder from Kmart which was only $10 I think, which makes grabbing pens and post-it notes easier.

Step 5: Then I added my favorite cup and candle and cream on top of my locker. Kept my favorite self made calendar from a few years ago with Stephen Amell all over it.

Step 6: Got a new table calendar and have now got three, actually four diaries to use – a book/reading dairy, a personal diary, a diary I got from my godparents for Christmas and a new Amelia Lane Paper Life Designer I’m going to try out.

Step 7: And the last step, a notebook or paper you can get to quickly was added to my table.

Here is what my desk looks like now:

Have a go, because you’ll never know if you don’t find out.

Let me know, or show me what you get up to.



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